When people see my paintings, there are a few reactions. One reaction is, ‘Hey I have been there. I used to climb, and play there as a child.’ This for me is an awesome compliment, being told that my paint and canvas can bring back such special memories from 10- 20 years ago. The reaction that is most inspiring is when someone will see their mother, father or cherished family member in my painting. You can see the love for that person in their facial expressions. Just like that, from that moment, we have a sentimental connection. To have a person you have never met before, be so moved to tears because of a painting I have created is a blessing from God. To witness that reaction is powerful and inspiring. It confirms that my love for painting Puerto Rico and our culture have not been futile. Those are the moments that get me through the wind, the rain, and struggles of being an artist. Working full time as an artist is a feast or famine lifestyle. I am thankful that God has blessed me with a patient, loving supportive family and unconditional love of art.
So thank you my dear fellow art lovers for your support.
Now go show off that Puerto Rican corner in your home /office with pride!
Elizabeth Erazo Baez

I wasn’t born in Puerto Rico; Puerto Rico was born in me. Capturing the essence of the Puerto Rican Culture is my artistic mission. It is my calling from God to paint. I would like everyone who experiences my paintings to feel the richness and diversity of our culture, which is a mixture of African, Spanish and Taino Indian tradition. There are so many beautiful moments in a landscape and breezes in a seascape to lose yourself in, to be proud of, and to be thankful for. I want to honor the Puerto Rican culture by capturing these moments onto canvas. The paintings, tell visual stories of our music, our people, and traditions depicted with colorful deliberate simplicity.